
take the manager of voyagin company to feel the exciting of the thrilling skypassway trail adventure.


from left to right,there are harness ,c ring,roller,coach c ring,on the bottom are safety helmets.

來自此相簿: sky trail adventure
from left to right ,there are harness ,c ring,roller,coach c ring,bottom are safety helmet.

experiencing the fun of archery

experiencing the fun of archery

entry level skypassway stage1

entry level skypassway stage1

C ring in the center, there is no way back !

at the high level skypassway enterance


high level skypassway stage 1

high level skypassway stage2

high level skypassway stage3

high level skypassway stage4

high level skypassway stage5

high level skypassway stage6 ,sky skate boarding

high level skypassway stage6 ,sky skate boarding

high level skypassway stage7

high level skypassway last stage, sliding down.

prepare for the advanced level mega swings!!

advanced level exciting mega swings.

花蓮紅面番鴨歡迎你hualien red face duck welcome you

花蓮鯉魚潭紅面番鴨歡迎你hualien LIYU LAKE red face duck welcomes you


    創作者 小亞 的頭像

    發現世界之旅Hualien English Japanese tour guide with driver 花蓮小亞英日語導遊 花蓮日本語添乗員てんじょういん,ガイド, ツアーコンダクター ,ドライバー

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