representative places具代表性的地方

太魯閣遊客中心taroko tourst service center(50min), 砂卡礑步道sakadan trail(10min), 長春祠Eternal Spring (Changchun) Shrine, 燕子口Swallow Grotto,  九曲洞Tunnel of NineTurns (1.9km/ 1.2miles trail),布洛灣遊憩區 Leader. Village(15min), 綠水合流,  天祥風景區Tianxiang Service Station白楊步道(水簾洞)Baiyang Waterfall Trail ( 2.1km/1.3 miles)。共8 處,每個景點最多只能停留40分鐘,可以選擇多停留,但是下一個景點需要彈性取消。

回程還有時間的話,可以順道去七星潭 Chihsingtan Beach, 慈濟精舍Buddhist Tzu Chi temple


花蓮天祥來回全程使用Toyota tercel 1.6L 小轎車約只需要8公升95汽油。


名產 local cuisine

麻糬(日語:餅/もち Mochi;英語:rice cake)是一種糯米glutinous ['glunəs] rice製的食物,軟而有黏性sticky


花蓮液香扁食hualien dumpling (wonton)

奶油酥條butter bread crisp

剝皮辣椒peeled chili pepper

炸彈蔥油餅fried green onion pancake

臭豆腐 stinky tofu

小籠湯包 meat bun

黎明紅茶 black tea 杏仁茶almond tea



Interduction of Tarko National Park


 Its park situated in the northeastern of the Taiwan

.  and establised on  Nov. 28, 1986, cover more than 92,000

.  hectare in the northern section of the Central Mountain Range.

The spectacular Taroko Gorge and the scenic beauty of Liwu River

.  can be conveniently viewed from the Central Cross Island 

.  Highway.

The varied mountain peaks,numerous waterfalls,

 . diverse plant forms and animal life, together with the indigenous 

.  Atayal people, create the rich texture of this unique natural

 .  ecosystem.






九曲洞(this trail is under preparing. it's closing now)

Tunnel of NineTurns (1.9km/ 1.2miles trail)

Its tunnel is a combination of both man-made

.  and natural elements.

 Along its trail, we can enjoy the marble gorges, the rivers

. the cliffs tunnels, and the ecosystem of the vegetation 

. growing amidst the rocky terrain .

What's more, one can also observe phenomenon of 

. ascending air current.

This trail is one of the cream of Taroko Gorge's trail.



Baiyang Waterfall Trail ( 2.1km/1.3 miles)

This trail exhibits splendid examples of the geology and

 . morphology of the marbe gorge.

The path is wide and well maintained with a comfortable

. pavilion near the waterfall.



The small holes on the walls of Swallow Grotto once served

. as nests for many swallows.

The swallows have since fled, however,

.  driven away by the crowds of tourists  that now throng

.  the area.


長春祠(closing for maintaining )

(Eternal Spring Shrine trail 1.35km/0.85mile)

 Changchun Shrine was built to commemorate 

. the more than 200 workers killed in accidents 

. while building  the Central Cross-Island Highway.


砂卡礑步道  sakadan trail

砂卡礑步道從入口處到三間屋全長約 4.5公里,倚傍著砂卡礑溪而行。砂卡礑溪十六公里的流路中,形成峻秀的峽谷,清澈的溪水、美麗的岩石褶皺及蓊鬱的森林;步道沿途過去曾有多個原住民聚 落,讓砂卡礑步道兼具景觀生態與人文之美。砂卡礑溪溪床上鋪滿大大小小的壘石,以大理石與片麻岩最多,湛藍湍急的溪水滑過溪床,與溪石合奏出清亮的自然樂 音,而溪水也將岩石琢磨得圓滑柔美。褶皺在兩岸山壁和溪中岩石上形成一幅幅抽象壁畫,任人欣賞想像。 

砂卡礑步道海拔約六十公尺,屬於陰濕的河谷地形,但植物生態卻呈現出乾濕兩型的特色。坡度較緩的地方,生長高大且層次豐富的林木;坡度較陡的地 方,只見低矮的岩生植物,以台灣蘆竹和沿階草居多。茂密的森林,清澈的溪水,提供動物良好的棲息環境,動植物生態豐富,使砂卡礑步道處處展現生機。 




砂卡礑步道是日治末期所建,主要是為了發展立霧溪的水力發電。1940年,臺灣總督府在太魯閣興建立霧發電廠,在溪畔建水壩,並開鑿輸水隧道,引立霧溪水 至發電廠發電,輸水隧道在砂卡礑溪谷上方,以大型水管銜接溪谷兩端,將水輸送至發電廠。此外,由於立霧溪水含沙量大,而在砂卡礑溪上游另建一座放流式水 壩,先將水引至發電廠,作為發電機的冷卻水,因此步道最初是為了維修水壩和大水管而建的。太魯閣國家公園成立後,將這條路規劃為景觀步道,加強沿線安全設 施、增設休憩平台與解說設施。 

砂卡礑步道原名神秘谷步道,在砂卡礑溪上游有一個太魯閣族的「大同部落」,部落舊名為「砂卡礑」(Skadang)。距步道入口約2公里處的五間 屋,舊名為「斯維奇」(Swiji),太魯閣語「斯維奇」(Swiji)是指大型葉片的榕樹。砂卡礑步道走到盡頭的「三間屋」,曾是太魯閣族人aboriginal people的聚落,太 魯閣族人稱為「柏拉耀」(Brayaw),是「姑婆芋」的意思。



從砂卡礑橋往下俯瞰,清澈的砂卡礑溪緩緩注入立霧溪中。由於砂卡礑溪流路短,水流湍急,且水中含沙量少,因此無論平常或颱風豪雨之後,溪水都能保持清澈。 可觀察到匯流口附近堆疊著許多大大小小的溪石,這也是因為岩石崩落後尚未能經過長距離的滾動,因此保留原有的大塊巨石的形貌。 





Introduction of Taroko National Park

Taroko National Park, situated in the eastern part of the Taiwan and established on November 28, 1986, covers more than 92,000 hectares in the northern section of the Central Mountain Range. This park features high mountains and sheer gorges. Many of its peaks tower above 3,000m in elevation, with many natural wonders. The spectacular Taroko Gorge and the scenic beauty of Liwu River can be conveniently viewed from the Central Cross-Island Highway. The varied mountain peaks, numerous waterfalls, diverse plant forms and animal life, together with the indigenous Taroko people, create the rich texture of this unique natural ecosystem.

The formation of Taroko Gorge

According to theory of plate tectonics, the Penglai Orogeny was caused by the collision of the Philippine Oceanic Plate and the Eurasian Continental Plate. The Penglai Orogeny occurred 4 million years ago. At that time, thick layers of calcareous rock that had been raised from the marine depths during earlier orogenies were now gradually pushed high above the ocean surface to form lofty peaks. During this period of immense tectonic forces, the high pressures and temperatures of compression folded and metamorphosed the original rock (limestone) turning it to marble. At present, this region is still being uplifted at the rate of O.5cm a year. The area has experienced both geologic uplifting and river erosion by the Liwu River. This area is unique for its marble gorge that occasionally forms hundreds of meters high, a phenomenon seldom found elsewhere in the world.


There are 34 species of mammals found in the park, including the black bear, Formosan Macaque (rock monkey), serow, wild boar, and sambar deer, etc. There are 144 species of birds, such as Swinhoe's pheasant, Formosan blue magpie, Finches, and Formosan Laughing Thrush, etc.


Cultural Heritage

There are three categories:

(1). Prehistoric sites

Firstly, 7 prehistoric sites which are estimated to be about two thousand years old were found in the park and the park entrance.


(2). The Aboriginal Taroko Culture:

In the old days, the facial tattoos were culturally significant in the Toroko tradition. Everyone at 7 or 8 must be tattooed on the forehead for tribal identification. At 14 or 15, a young man would be tattooed on the chin after his first successful head-hunting. The head-hunting initiation rite was banned in 1914 during the Japanese Occupation. Both facial tattooing and head-hunting were completely abolished by the 1930s. The human head was replaced by a large wild game like a boar or a black bear. A young woman would be tattooed on the cheeks when she had mastered weaving at 15 years old.


(3). The Old Trails and the Present Highways

The Su-hua Old Trail was built in 1874 during the Qing Dynasty (present Su-hua Highway). The Old Cross-Hehuan Mountain Road (built in 1914), was a major east-west route for the migration of the Toroko tribal people from the mid-west of Taiwan to the east. The remaining sections of the Old Cross-Hehuan Mountain Road were the 16 kilometers section from Badagan to Laoxi Creek and the 32.7 kilometers section from west of Tianxiang to Bilu Sacred Tree. The Central Cross-Island Highway built in 1956-1960, at the cost of 226 lives of courageous veterans. More than 780 people were wounded.


leader village布洛灣


年才較有知名度。距太魯閣口約 8 公里,於中橫公路 179.5 公里處,從立霧溪畔旁叉路蜿蜒上行 2 公里即可抵達。





這裡是個遺世獨立的台地,台地四周完全被清翠的山嶺包圍,時間在這裡 緩了下來,天空燕群啁啾聲與蟬鳴是悅耳的背景音樂,天氣乍晴,飄著幾躲白雲,世居此處的原住民似乎像是生活在桃花源裡。





About 山月村





濃原住民原始風格外,還帶有一點點傳統唐式的懷舊味道。房間內的原住民織布吊燈及布畫可都是純手工製作的喔!最特別的是客廳移到室外,白 天可在客廳乘涼欣賞周遭美景,晚上可與家人談天觀星。

房間型態有景觀山月套房、景觀 部落套房及景觀頭目套房三種。景觀山月套房計28間,約8坪,內部規劃為兩張單人床(可住1~4人,超過2人以上須另加舖墊);景觀部落套房計8間,約 12坪,每人一張單人床,適合六到八人住宿,適合家族及學生團體;景觀頭目套房僅1間,約25坪,內分為主臥室及起居室兩間,2套衛浴設備,主臥室為一張 雙人床,起居室可另加舖墊提供親友入住。


花蓮漁港賞鯨休閒碼頭  recreation fishing port







距 花蓮市區僅約十分鐘車程,交通相當便利,該碼頭係將港務局的舊房舍重新裝修而設立,打造得美侖美奐,功能齊全,港區內規劃有精緻的海洋生態展示區、登船碼 頭、上岸碼頭、候船室、遊客航前解說室、碼頭停泊站、鯨豚救援站、觀景台、農漁特產展售室、原住民手工藝品展售室、露天咖啡座及停車場等。




七星潭  Chihsingtan Beach



位 於東北角海濱的七星潭,弧形海灣令人著迷外,海水潔淨蔚藍,清晰可見浪濤中的石礫,原本只是一處平靜的小漁村,因擁有得天獨厚的自然地理環境, 加上簡單的賞景步道、海邊亭台、觀日月樓、賞星廣場等設施,讓遊客都能盡情徜徉於碧海藍天之中。夜間無光害的海灘無論賞星、賞月或只是單純想聽聽石礫與海 濤的歌唱都是最佳選擇。










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