Hualien English Japanese tour guide with driver North/South Route suggestion
Hualien South suggest Route
1.mountain route
Hualien city hotel =>Cingsio Temple(慶修院)=>Liyu Lake Visitor Center(鯉魚潭潭北遊客中心)=>South Liyu Lake Recreation Area(鯉魚潭潭南遊憩區)=>Lichuan Aquafarm(立川漁場)=>Shin Kong Chao Feng Leisure Farm(takes one day新光兆豐休閒農場需要整日)=>Fenglin (鳳林)=>Lintian Mountain Forestry Center(林田山林業文化園區)=>Guangfu (光復)=>Hualian Sugar Factory(花蓮觀光糖廠)=>Danongdafu Forest Park(大農大富平地森林園區)=>back to hualien=>Hualien Culture Creative park
2.seashore route
當日來回海線行程 從花蓮台11線往南為海線經過海洋公園
Ocean Park(定價890,takes one day), 牛山Niushan ,磯崎海水浴場Jici Beach
, 芭崎Baci Observation Tower, 豐濱天空步道seashore skywalk, 新社梯田Hualien Shinser terrace, 豐濱台11甲, 光復糖廠Hualian Sugar Factory,林田山林業文化園區
Lintienshan Forestry Culture Park, 回住宿飯店或民宿。總車程接近4小時。10個景點預計每個景點待24分鐘
Hualien English Japanese tour guide and driver Hualien
3.Nouth Route suggestion
Routes starts at Hualien, trip includes visiting scenic sites in Taroko Gorge. Among them are the fairytale-like Shakadang Trail (Shenmi Valley), Buluowan, and Yanzikou (Swallow Grotto).
Pick-up at hotel (50mins)➜on the way buy some food&drink for lunch ➜ Taroko national park Sakadan trail (80 mins)➜Buluowan Plateau (30 mins)➜Yanzikou Trail (30 mins)➜ Shander Tempo( 30mins) ➜ Tienhsiang (30 mins)➜Changchun Shrine (30 mins)➜Local Specialty Goods Tour (20 mins)➜ Chuchi temple (30mins)➜ Qixingtan Scenic Area (30 mins)➜Return (itinerary may vary depending on access restrictions at scenic sites 50 mins)
Hualien English Japanese tour guide,日本語ガイド ,花蓮小亞英語日語導遊包車
花蓮小亞外語英語日語導遊包車旅遊˙hualein English, Japanese tour guide with driver 小亞背包客棧旅遊包車 溯溪玩水 花蓮日本語添乗員てんじょういん,ガイド, ツアーコンダクター
■預約連絡 contact me
line arthur_hong
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prepaid payment half for down payment as follow:
■訂金匯款及櫃員機轉帳資訊 ˙銀行名稱:
郵局銀行代號:700 ˙郵局帳號:00015610553863
prepaid foreign money transfer here
money transfer bank Remittance
bank account 70000015610553863 HUNG CHAO CHIEH
address taiwan taipei chenguo N. Rd sec3 lane113 alley7 no3
tel: 886-928-904-482
Correspondent/Intermediary Bank:
a. 美元(USD) :中國工商銀行紐約分行(SWIFT Code:ICBKUS33)。
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, New York, USA
b. 人民幣(CNY):中國工商銀行北京分行(SWIFT Code:ICBKCNBJ)
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing, China
(從大陸地區匯入,請加註大額支付行號CNAPS No.:1021-0009-9996)。
c. 港幣(HKD):永豐銀行香港分行(SWIFT Code:SINOHKHH)。
Bank SinoPac, Hong Kong Branch, Hong Kong
d. 歐元(EUR):中國工商銀行法蘭克福分行(SWIFT Code:ICBKDEFF)。
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Frankfurt, Germany
LINE arthur_hong
pick up location: Hualien city Station or hotels